Saturday 14 May 2011

My oldest newspaper

John Bull dated September 24th 1827

This is the oldest item in my collection and one of the very few prior to 1900. Call me shallow but I look at it and realise why I prefer 20th century papers. There are no headlines, no pictures and little or no variation from very small (8 point?) text. There is no news on the front page - just produce and market prices.
The John Bull newspaper ran from 1820 to 1892 and this edition is a single sheet printed on both sides and folded to give 8 pages of about the same size as those of a Daily Mirror.

The paper's contents include news of Royal comings and goings (George IV), Old Bailey proceedings, theatre and book reviews, business news, political ranting, a letter from Sir Walter Scott (the author of Ivanhoe etc), sports news (horse racing) and this item -

Whilst creating this blog I noticed how the sentence at the bottom of the previous story continued -

The partially obscured word on the third line is definitely 'DEATH'.  1827 - also known as 'the good old days'.

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