Sunday 8 July 2012

Barack Obama Elected President

The Independent dated Thursday November 6th 2008
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After the dark days of Bush’s two terms as President things could only get better. Optimism reigned for a while and was only soured by Obama’s inevitable failure to cure all the World’s ills.
He is standing for re-election on November 6th 2012 against the Republican candidate Mitt Romney, an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (aka The Mormons).

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Unlike the out-going Republican President, George W Bush, John McCain had paid his dues. He’d been in the Navy and had fought in Vietnam. He was a POW for five and half years and suffered dreadfully at the hands of the North Vietnamese.

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The worst-case scenario was that McCain won the 2008 election but then died and Sarah Palin, as Vice-president, automatically took over. The US (and therefore the Western World) would have a leader that believed that ‘the U.S. Army is on a mission from God’, ‘creationism should be taught in schools’, ‘there should be no abortions even if the pregnancy is caused by rape or incest’, ‘in the right to bear arms’ and ‘Health care must be market and business driven’.

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According to the news section of the work of restoring some of the derelict huts at Bletchley Park is about to start (June 2012) in time for Alan Turing’s centenary. I must make the effort to go one day soon.

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I’ve never read a Michael Crichton book but I have enjoyed some of his films, particularly ‘The First Great Train Robbery’ and ‘Westworld’ both of which he not only wrote but also directed.

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Back to the US Presidency. George W Bush ripe for ridicule and Oliver Stone is the man to do it.

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As much as I hate smoking I think this is a stupid idea. Having parents that were both chain smokers (cough) throughout my childhood (cough cough) never did (cough choke gasp) me any harm.

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As much as I hate Jamie Oliver I think this is a stupid idea.

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Back in 2008 this advert for a solar charger stressed the ecological advantages. Look at their current web site and it’s aimed much more directly at the adventurer who is kayaking up the Amazon but can’t leave his/her iPad at home.

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The Tetley brewery in Leeds finally closed in June 2011.

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Andy Murray. Roger Federer. I’ve heard those names somewhere recently.

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Reading this extract from Samuel Pepys’ diary, I can’t help wondering what Commissioner Pett is going to do in the yard. Something involving plucking, I guess.

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